Warranty Credit Memo Process for Whirlpool

  1. Vendor warranty Credit Memo is emailed to parts@cpec-laundry.com
  2. Open Credit Memo pdf’s from Whirlpool. There may be several pages to the attachment.  Look for Credit Memos that have line item negative amounts 
  3. Verify that the Credit Memo is open in Adobe Acrobat Pro DC and click on the Edit option near the top of the window 
  4. Click on the Delete Pages option and delete any pages that do not include Credit Memos
  5. Save the Credit Memo to the following location, S > Payables > 2022 > Whirlpool Credits. If the Credit Memo is from Whirlpool save as the credit memo invoice number. 
  6. Identify credits for the Phoenix office by referencing, “Submitted By – 45621”. Tucson credits will reference, “Submitted By – 78045”.
  7. Identify the C-PEC reference number on credit memo and search for that reference number in the “Warranty” filter
  8. Verify that all items listed on the open order for warranty matches the parts listed on the credit memo
  9. Edit PDF with a note by each claim of customer number. Change the font color to red for Phoenix, Tucson uses blue font
  10. Change the price in the Unit Price column to match the price in the Current Cost column for the part
  11. Note the selection in the Salesperson and Territory field
  12. Click the Ship To search icon in the order
  13. Click the All Addresses button near the top of the page
  14. Change the ship to on the order to Customer Number CPEC1W PHOENIX WARRANTY for Phoenix Warranty
  15. Change the Salesperson and Territory fields back to the fields noted in step 5
  16. In the PO Field type “Warranty Parts”
  17. Click on the User Defined tab
  18. Click on the Warranty tab
  19. In the Warranty Status field drop down select the appropriate status. Approved will be the most common
  20. In the Vendor Credit Memo field type in the credit memo invoice number
  21. Click on the open customer button and minimize the window that opens
  22. Click the Invoice and Review GL button
  23. Click OK
  24. A new window opens to print the invoice, click cancel, no need to print
  25. Open the minimized customer window, click the Accounts Receivable tab
  26. Click the drop down arrow next to the blue plus sign, select Credit Memo
  27. In the Reference No field type “Warranty Parts”
  28. In the Memo field type the number in the Reference No column for the invoice that was just created, then a comma, then the customer’s Spire number
  29. In the Total field type in the total dollar amount from the invoice. In the MAR 6 and PHX 6 fields type 0 to remove the tax
  30. Click the Post and Review GL button
  31. In the new window that opens change the 4600.1.10 Discounts Taken – Equipment – Phoenix to 5100.1.99 Warranty Parts – Phx
  32. Click OK
  33. Click the boxes for the credit memo and invoice in the Transaction No column for each
  34. Click the Apply button
  35. Click the Vendor Module
  36. Open the appropriate vendor account (1054 for Whirlpool)
  37. Click on the Accounts Payable tab
  38. Click on the drop down icon to the right of the blue plus sign and select Vendor Credit
  39. In the Reference No field type in the invoice number from the vendor credit memo
  40. In the Purchase No field type in “Warranty”
  41. In the Expense account field type in 5100.1.99 Warranty Parts – Phx
  42. In the Memo field type in the customer number for the warranty part. If the credit memo is from Whirlpool type in all of the customer numbers for the parts credits listed on the credit memo separated by commas.  Type, PHX – and list all of the Phoenix customer numbers on the credit memo.  They type, TUC – and list all of the Tucson customer numbers on the credit memo.
  43. In the Total field type in the total amount of the Whirlpool credit memo. This is the total which includes Phoenix and Tucson credits. 
  44. Click the Post and Review GL button
  45. In the new window that opens, edit the GL accounts to read, 2050.1.00 – Accounts Payable – Trade, the Base Debit is the total amount of the Credit Memo. The next GL line will read 5100.1.99 – Warranty Parts – Phx, the Base Credit amount should equal the total of the credits for Phoenix.  The next GL line will read 5100.2.99 – Warranty Parts – Tuc, the Base Credit amount should equal the total of the credits for Tucson.  Confirm that the Debit amount and Credit amount equal.  Delete any other GL lines in the window. 
  46. Click OK
  47. In the vendor account, Accounts Payable tab, Details tab, locate the Vendor Credit just created and click on the box and Vendor Credit line and click the View Transaction button
  48. Click the Communications tab in the window that opens
  49. Click on the blue + sign to create a communication
  50. In the subject line of the communication type in the invoice number from the vendor credit memo
  51. Click the Add Attachment button and select the vendor credit memo pdf that was saved
  52. Save and close
  53. Save and close vendor account